The Twelve Labors of Hercules 1. Eliminate the Nemean Lion 2. Kill the Lernean Hydra 3. Capture the Golden Hind 4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar 5. Clean the Stables of King Augeas in a day 6. Annihilate the Stymphalian Birds 7. Capture the Cretan Bull 8. Return the Mares of Diomedes 9. Obtain the Belt of Hippolyta 10. Obtain the Cattle of Geryon 11. Steal the Golden Apples from the Garden of Hesperides 12. Must take Cerberus captive | = |
The Herculean Tasks for Biden 1. Beat the Orangutan Trump 2. Drain the Republican Swamp 3. Stop the Pandemic 4. Abolish the Death Penalty 5. Redraft the Bill of Immigration 6. Let the many hapless detainees go 7. Tackle the Chinese Dragon 8. Neutralise the Russian Putin 9. Destroy the Nuclear Program of Iran 10. Solve the Change of Climate 11. Delete the North Korean Leader 12. Ban the *bleep* boloney, the bile 13. Stay alive effectually |
Anagram: Julian Lofts
Illustration: Chris Riddell
Illustration: Chris Riddell
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