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Monday, November 23, 2020

Trump Is One of the Worst Leaders on Earth, According to the Rest of the World

San Francisco

Here are Some of the Worst Dictators of the Modern Age
1. Adolf Hitler
2. Josef Stalin
3. Mao Tse Tung
4. King Leopold II
5. Idi Amin Dada
6. Robert Mugabe
7. Pol Pot
8. Saddam Hussein
9. Kim Il-Sung
10. Donald Trump
1. Killed millions of Jews
2. Top Russian
3. Millions died
4. Belgium
5. Uganda - utter gangster
6. President
7. Cambodia - no reformist
8. That hoodlum
9. North Korea
10. MAGA imposter - fat hotheaded oaf deposed
Anagram: Julian Lofts
Image: Lynn Friedman

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