Time Magazine’s List of The Top Ten Abuses of Power on their website 1. Richard Nixon's Plumbers 2. India's Telecoms Scandal 3. Dennis Kozlowski and the Tyco Roman Orgy 4. Gaddafi's Nepotism 5. Moshe Katsav and the Ministry Staffer 6. Silvio Berlusconi and the Bunga Bunga Parties 7. Kim Jong Il's Concubines 8. Roger Vangheluwe's Abuse Scandal 9. China's Food Safety Czar Accepts Bribes 10. Albert Fall's Teapot Dome But where on earth is President Trump? | = |
Scandalous Obscurantists, Fibbing Gentlemen 1. Watergate break-in 2. Bent Andimithu Raja 3. Pure tactlessness of conman’s ice Statue of David urinating vodka 4. Bizarre dictator’s beneficent old boy network 5. Israel’s President’s scandal 6. PM gambols with, beds sassy teen Karima El Mahroug 7. Schmaltziest Happy Corps cocottes 8. Bishop of Bruges’ pedophile offense 9. Zheng Xiaoyu sinned 10. Oil field Mammon. Ah, sinner. Love rat ruts with whores. |
Anagram: Julian Lofts
Image: Alex D
Image: Alex D