Wordsmith.org : the magic of words

Friday, July 31, 2015

The science of kissing

(The New Zealand Herald)
. Kiss Day
Photo: Juliana Coutinho

The science of kissing ~ fetichises necking so
(by Robert Jordan)

Coast Guard ending search for Florida teen boaters; private hunt continues

Coast Guard Speed Boat at 1/15"
Photo: Scott Ableman

Florida teenagers Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen = End long hunt after disappearance in the sea. So sorry!
(by Jason Lofts)

Vladimir Putin 'ordered killing', Litvinenko inquiry hears

2013_11_060045 Alexander living in the death
Photo: Gwydion M Williams

An "increasingly isolated tinpot despot" and a "morally deranged authoritarian" = A dictator allegedly arranged spy's irradiation at tea in London. Shame on Putin!
(by Jason Lofts)

Lion-killing dentist Walter Palmer

(Daily Mail)
Cecil - Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
Photo: Vince O'Sullivan

Minnesota dentist and hunter Walter Palmer = Patent murder! Man ensnared that lion, slew it.
(by Jason Lofts)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Fat should be classified as 'sixth taste' alongside the five others, say US scientists

(The Daily Telegraph)
Curled Butter
Photo: David Masters
1. Sweet
2. Sour
3. Bitter
4. Salty
5. Umami and
6. Oleogustus
= 1. Sugar
2. Tart
3. Bile (unsettles some)
4. Sodium
5. Savoury
6. Fat (low)
(by Julian Lofts)

American Hunter Killed Cecil, Beloved Lion That Was Lured Out of Its Sanctuary

(The New York Times)
Kicheche Lion
Photo: Rob D

The Circle of Life
(from the Lion King musical)

From the day we arrive on this planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

There is far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life
=Cecil The Lion

Cecil the African lion, supposedly protected in his game park.
Hunters lured him to his death with fresh meat.
Walter Palmer, the dentist from Minnesota, the 'brave hunter',
He had perfect, ultra-bright teeth.

Cecil the marvellous lion
Killed by a puffed up dentist
With longbow and arrows.
This 'valorous' vainglorious gaffe
Confronting, frightening
The vulnerable lion.
Sentence offenders!
Hang the demon felon!
Fee-fie-fo-fuck him!

Cecil the African lion
Roared in pain,
Pierced through
His heart.
Cecil the lion's
And skinned.

Tourists liked
Cecil the lion.
People - save the lions,
Value them in future.
Hold on
Never hunt
To the death.
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
(by Julian Lofts)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

NASA discovers new planet for cricket

England V West Indies 3rd Day 3rd Test Edgbaston
Photo: Richard Ellis

NASA discovers new planet for cricket = S.African scored - now pick start eleven.
(by Mark McNamara)

Monday, July 27, 2015

The House of Lords must expel Baron Sewel

(The Daily Telegraph)

Baron Sewel = Born weasel
(by Adie Pena)

Can infidelity rekindle a relationship?

(The Times of India)
Photo: Daniel Horacio Agostini

Can infidelity rekindle a relationship = Liar is keen to philander infinitely! Cad!
(by Mark McNamara)

Obama tells BBC that UK should stay in European Union

The PM meets President Obama in Downing Street's White Room
Photo: Number 10

President Barack Obama says UK should stay in the EU|I daresay, but that\'s our business pal, okay? Damn cheek!
(by Tony Crafter)

Obama calls GOP criticism of Iran deal 'ridiculous' 'sad'

(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
Happy Obama
Photo: Steve Jurvetson

Obama calls GOP criticism of Iran deal 'ridiculous' 'sad' = "I add: Crass Republicans! A grim odious comical lot fail!"
(by Maurice Goddard)

Chris Froome assured of Tour de France title despite Nairo Quintana's heroics on Alpe-d'Huez

(The Irish Independent)
Chris Froome
Photo: Sean Hickin

Heroics from ~ Chris Froome
(by Tony Crafter)

Chris Froome fuming after having 'urine' thrown in his face amid accusations of doping at Tour de France

(Daily Mail)
Chris Froome | The First Man to Cycle through the Eurotunnel
Photo: Jaguar Mena

Christopher Froome wins the Tour de France again|Sad Frenchies throw urine at a foreign ectomorph
(by Jason Lofts)

Lord Sewel quits after he is caught snorting cocaine with two prostitutes

(The New Zealand Herald)
Photo: The Sun

Lord Sewel = Lewd loser
(by Jason Lofts)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

English lord in sordid sex scandal

(The New Zealand Herald)

"The actions of a few damage our reputation," wrote Lord Sewel. "Scandals make good headlines." = 'Esteemed' peer flaunted law snorting coke with whores. A salacious oaf, a moron, addled goat!
(by Julian Lofts)

On-the-run vicar still at large

Photo: ITV

On-the-run vicar still at large = Lag to unchristian traveller
(by Robert Jordan)

David Cameron pledges to save Britain's public loos

(The Daily Telegraph)
Funny Restroom
Photo: Joel Telling

David Cameron pledges to save Britain's public loos = O! It's a bravo over PM's 'Gents and Ladies Occupied Bill'!
(by Maurice Goddard)

Spelman College discontinues professorship funded by Cosbys

Bill Cosby Mural, Washington, DC 49758
Photo: PROTed Eytan

The William and Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Endowed Professorship at Spelman College = Cancelled, as black donor is an evil lying male rapist: doom himself. We oppose his wealth.
(by Rosie Perera)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Furry Friday: Dogs in their element

Photo: Wikimedia

Dogs in their element ~ let go dinnertimes, eh?
(by Robert Jordan)

Drone operators must obtain flying permits under new rules

Photo: Ars Electronica

Drone operators ~ or neo-predators
(by Julian Lofts)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bill Cosby's 1970s anti-drug album for kids: "Say no to pills"

(Washington Post)

"Hi, this is Bill Cosby. I'd like you to pay close attention to this album because it's very important. We're going to talk about amphetamines, cocaine, depressants, barbiturates, opiates, alcohol, tobacco, hallucinogens." - Introduction to the album "Bill Cosby Talks to Kids About Drugs," that won him a Grammy for Best Recording for Children. = This mad old black US comedian's got to admit it - he's a most blatant, brutish, incorrigible rapist!^^A classic short instruction manual:^^A. Take out a nubile, bosomy young babe to the Playboy Mansion^B. Give two or three prescribed pills to her to chill out^C. Take off all the babe's clothes^D. Stick your todger (penis) in, rut away, come incognito ...
(by Jason Lofts)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Online sperm buying proves to be a big hit in China

(The Times of India)
The Sperm Bike in Copenhagen - 01
Photo: Colville-Andersen

Online sperm buying proves to be a big hit in China = Her big linchpin be obtaining your semen via post
(by Mark McNamara)

US Novelist E.L. Doctorow dies at 84

E.L Doctorow
Art: Arturo Espinosa

The US novelist Edgar Lawrence Doctorow has died = Death hit aged world-renowned creative colossus
(by Julian Lofts)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Stephen Hawking backs new initiative to find life beyond Earth

The Science of Aliens
Photo: MIKI Yoshihito

Stephen Hawking backs new initiative to find life beyond Earth = I ask: Whatever kind, we can't be alone in the big depths of infinity?
(by Maurice Goddard)

Cuba Reopens US Embassy After Five Decades

(Yahoo! News)

Cuba Reopens US Embassy After Five Decades = Act's sure paved, because "foes may be friends".
(by Maurice Goddard)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Infidelity site Ashley Madison hacked as attackers demand total shutdown

(The Guardian)
Mad Men: Uh oh.
Illustration: Eric Almendral

Notorious infidelity sites Ashley Madison, Cougar Life and Established Men are hacked = A sinister foe is leaking raunchy details of shady men, lies, deceit and houris too - bedlam!
(by Julian Lofts)

Shark attacks Australian surfer Mick Fanning during live competition

Hurley Pro 2010 - Expression Session - Mick Fanning
Photo: Rian Castillo

The Australian surfer Mick Fanning = Fin, attack, rush, run. Man regains life! ^
(by Aronas Pinchas)

Hackers threaten to release names from adultery website

The Seventh Commandment
Photo: Pascal

Hackers threaten to release names from adultery website = See wife make error, cheat on husband, later...steamy letters.
(by Rosie Perera)

Donald promises America a new 'do' if it makes him president: Trump reveals he will ditch his infamous hair style in the White House - because comb-over takes too much time to maintain

(Daily Mail)
be afraid be very afraid
Image: Miles Gehm

Donald Trump, the American business magnate, investor, television personality, and author = Vain old man in outlandish overtly straightened toupee in POTUS race is an embarrassment
(by Jason Lofts)

Greece crisis: No mercy for Greece in Angela Merkel's Europe

Alexis Tsipras on a short leash from the EU
Illustration: DonkeyHotey

Germany's Angela Dorothea Merkel = Some or all Greek men angry at head
(by Adie Pena)

Study predicts future of asteroid mining

(Los Angeles Times)
Asteroid Mining
Image: Dan Browne

Asteroid mining = I dream in ingots
(by Julian Lofts)

Donald Trump Says He Does Not Owe John McCain Apology

(ABC News)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump = Unpopular partisan derided and belittled McCain
(by Adie Pena)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Queen's 'Nazi Salute' film leak triggers Royal inquiry

(The Independent)

The Queen's 'Nazi Salute' = The Sun antique sleaze
(by Robert Jordan)

Shark attacks Australian surfer Mick Fanning during live competition


The surfer Mick Fanning = Cunning shark - mere tiff
(by Julian Lofts)

Throne to the dogs: The Queen and her most loyal companions

(The Daily Express)
Mr Brainwash Queen
Photo: Matt Brown

Throne to the dogs: The Queen and her most loyal companions = Oh Man! Posh natty eloquent old hen dotes on her corgis, mate!
(by Maurice Goddard)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'


"He was a war hero because he was captured," said Mr Donald Trump. "I like people who weren't captured." = "He was a deserter, a dull turd - ass, I know" chirrupped Mr McCain. "We hate people who wear a bad toupee."^
(by Julian Lofts)

Freeway inferno eats cars in Southern Cal

(KTTV Fox 11)

Freeway inferno eats cars in Southern Cal = Fiery ruin went on as fear latches on, races
(by Russ Atkinson)

Safari park in Japan builds elephant swimming pool


Safari park in Japan builds elephant swimming pool = A top-rank jumbo animal is dipping -- a spa will freshen
(by Maurice Goddard)

Images of young Queen Elizabeth II's alleged Nazi salute published by The Sun

(ABC News)

Elizabeth Regina = Heil! Be great Nazi
(by Jason Lofts)

Friday, July 17, 2015

Donald Trump Says He'll Spend 'What It Takes' To Win

(Huffington Post)

Donald Trump says he'll spend 'what it takes' to win = That sham stupid swollen donkey! Darn twit leaps!
(by Maurice Goddard)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Photos: China's itsy bitsy face-kini


Photos: China's itsy bitsy face-kini = Fashion's as yet spotty bikini chic
(by Robert Jordan)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Nosferatu director's head stolen from grave in Germany

(The Guardian)
Nosferatu Paper Cut
Photo: Alberto Cerriteño

Nosferatu director's head stolen from grave = Foreign horror master's stone vault de-faced
(by Mark McNamara)

Getting Greeks to Pay Taxes Is Tsipras Biggest Test at Home

Alexis Tsipras, Gregor Gyis und Klaus Ernst in der Bundespressekonferenz
Photo: Fraktion DIE LINKE

Alexis Tsipras ~ is spiral taxes
(by Mark McNamara)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Inside Drug Lord 'El Chapo's' 2nd Prison Escape

(ABC News)
Photo: Abd allah Foteih

'El Chapo' escapes from Altiplano = Top coca alpha male flees prison
(by Julian Lofts)

Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter From Thomas Piketty to Angela Merkel

(The Nation)
Angela Merkel - Caricature
Caricature: DonkeyHotey

Austerity has Failed = Stealthy EU is afraid
(by Rosie Perera)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Indian Zoroastrians Are Suing Snoop Dogg for Insulting Their Religion

(Foreign Policy)

Indian Zoroastrians are suing Snoop Dogg for insulting their religion = Oh, no! Parsis are out for zillions, arguing song rendition is denigrating
(by Jason Lofts)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Psychology association colluded with CIA over torture

(The New Zealand Herald)

The American Psychological Association has ~ archaic ethics, also a CIA leaning. Oh my, so stop!
(by Julian Lofrs)

Serena Slam: Williams Smashes Her Way to Another Wimbledon Title

(NBC News)
Heather Watson
Photo: Carine06

The "Serena Slam" = Amass, then leer. = "See! Net marshal!"
(by Julian Lofts)

Kapow! Pao Goes

(Yahoo! News)
Ellen Pao
Photo: Christopher Michel

HA! Ellen Pao ousted as the Reddit CEO = Decode that: she alienated user Pool
(by Russ Atkinson)

Subway, spokesman Jared Fogle "suspend their relationship" amid investigation

(Washington Post)
Jared Fogle Subway SXSW (402 of 601).jpg
Photo: Anna Hanks

Subway suspends their spokesman Jared Fogle = Snide star spews up - he blames greasy junk food.
(by Julian Lofts)

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd avoids jail for threatening to kill employee

(The Daily Telegraph)
AC/DC - Phil Rudd - Manchester Apollo - 1982
Photo: Harry (Howard) Potts

The AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd avoids jail for threatening to kill his employee = Huh, methamphetamine addict/"killer" is controversially judged or profiled.
(by Julian Lofts)

Legendary Egyptian actor Omar Sharif dies at 83

(Al Jazeera)
Omar Sharif
Photo: David Morris

The actor Michel Demitri Shalhoub alias Omar Sharif = Ooh, macho hirsute film star had charm, real abilities
(by Jason Lofts)

Athens capitulates to creditors

Images of Athens | 60 Euros
Photo: simon.birt

Athens capitulates to creditors = It hasn't placated EEC or tourists
(by Julian Lofts)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Omar Sharif: Lawrence of Arabia star dies aged 83

Omar SHARIF (acteur)
Photo: startinghere71

Omar Sharif: Lawrence of Arabia star dies = Sherif Ali: Scenario of armed Arabs at war
(by Jason Lofts)

Apple's new ad campaign says "If it's not an iPhone, it's not an iPhone"

(Apple Insider)
iphone wallpaper
Photo: Ape Lad

"If it's not an iPhone, it's not an iPhone" = Ha! No point if the point is not insane!
(by Josiah Winslow)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New Sarah Palin book coming in November

(The New Zealand Herald)
Sarah Palin, Public Speaker
Illustration: DonkeyHotey

"Sweet Freedom: A Devotional" by Sarah Palin = Leader of Tea Party has no enviable wisdom
(by Julian Lofts)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sarah Palin announces her fourth book will be a collection of biblical 'meditations'

(Daily Mail)
Sarah Palin in the Wings
Illustration: DonkeyHotey

Sarah Palin's new book is titled "Sweet Freedom: A Devotional" = "Wanna vote for me as a likeable, stolid, white President? Do so!"
(by Julian Lofts)

Monday, July 6, 2015

Edward Snowden plea deal with US a possibility, says Eric Holder

(The Times)
Snowden Effect - What is metadata?
Illustration: DonkeyHotey

Edward Snowden plea deal with US a possibility, says Eric Holder = Sly whistle-blower analysed - decided how to disappear in Russia
(by Mark McNamara)

'You look disgusting': Beauty blogger's powerful video


'You look disgusting' = Ugly skin got odious
(by Robert Jordan)

2016 Republican Presidential Candidates

2016 Republican Clown Car Parade - Expanded Cast of Caricatures
1. John Ellis Bush=Hell, I shun jobs
2. Benjamin Solomon Carson=Men, I can loan *morons* jobs!
3. Christopher James Christie=Those sharp critics jeer him
4. Rafael Edward Cruz=Dreadful war craze
5. Mark Whitty Everson=Very mistaken worth
6. Cara Carleton Fiorina=A fair concern to a liar
7. Lindsey Olin Graham=Ah, I'm one sly darling
8. Michael Dale Huckabee=Ace? Ha! Dumb like a leech
9. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal=I'd buy job by his plan
10. John Richard Kasich=Join hard, rich hacks
11. George Elmer Pataki=Me? I kept a larger ego
12. Randal Howard Paul=A hard, loud war plan
13. Richard "Rick" Perry=Err...a dry, rich prick
14. Marco Antonio Rubio=O, a moronic brain! Out!
15. Richard John Santorum=Ah! Disjunct horror, man!
16. Donald John Trump Senior=Damn old pro joins the run
17. Scott Walker=Act! Let's work!
Anagram: Josiah Winslow, Caricatures: DonkeyHotey

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigns

(Al Jazeera)
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis sits down with Brookings Senior Fellow David Wessel to talk about the Greek economy and the country's economic reform options
Photo: Brookings Institution

Greece's finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has resigned = In arrears, his vision is, "Germany can get fucked! Ease fines!"
(by Julian Lofts)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Calais Migrants Storm Channel Tunnel In Desperate Bid To Reach Britain

(Huffington Post)

Calais migrants = Tag as criminals = A lasting racism
(by Jason Lofts)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wimbledon 2015: A look back at last five men's singles Championships

Wimbledon 2015
Photo: Paula Funnell
This year's Wimbledon men's singles seeds:
1 Novak Djokovic
2 Roger Federer
3 Andy Murray
4 Stan Wawrinka
5 Kei Nishikori
6 Tomas Berdych
7 Milos Raonic
8 David Ferrer
9 Marin Cilic
10 Rafael Nadal
1 Skinny Serbian flimflammer
2 Admired Swiss ace endorses Nike
3 UK
4 Hairy introvertive boring killjoy
5 Solid career
6 Calm adversary
7 Who?
8 Disregarded (no show)
9 Croatian
10 Nicknamed Rafa

(by Jason Lofts)

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sharks attack beachgoers

Photo: Jo

Shark's bites harm us = Shrieks: "Arm has stub"
(by Russ Atkinson)