There are many twins. There are many anagrammers. But there is probably only one set of identical twin brothers in this world who are also master anagrammers. We recently had a Q&A with Jason Lofts. Now it's the turn of his twin brother Julian Lofts.
Q How did you get into anagrams?
A My twin brother Jason and I were brought up from an early age to love words. We played Scrabble and did cryptic crosswords. Roget's thesaurus was an extremely well-worn book in our library. We liked puns and palindromes, acrostics and acronyms. My contributions to The Anagram Times were sparked by my brother's apparent obsession with wordplay. Initially I thought it was a side effect of his medication but then I realized it must be an inheritable trait that we both share. It has brought us closer together as he lives in Switzerland and I in Auckland, New Zealand and we haven't been good at communicating with each other until a few months ago.
Q Do you remember the first anagram you made?

A I love the simplicity and profundity of: Elvis ~ lives.
Q How do you pick a news headline to anagram?
A I will sometimes see a bizarre headline while reading the morning paper but often I will scour the weird news on the Huffington Post site. I look for obscure, funny, polarizing headlines that pose more questions than answers. I'm looking for the back story.
Q Describe the moment when you are working on anagramming a phrase and the last few letters just fall into place and you realize that you have an outstanding anagram on your hands.
A It's an exultant event, extremely satisfying like those sports replays you see on TV. I will often yell out loud and punch the air. Haven't quite mastered the Rafael Nadal "starting the chainsaw" maneuver.

A I never cease to be amazed by the so-called hidden messages that anagrams divulge, seemingly by virtue of me putting pen to paper. I keep meaning to look for the real truth within horoscopes.
Q What do you do in your non-anagram life? Do you see any parallels in what you do and in anagramming?
A I'm a plastic and reconstructive plastic surgeon in real life and this involves some amazing morphing techniques. The Greek word plastikos means to mold. I make breasts from abdominal fat or back muscle. I also restore faces after accidents or rejuvenate the aged ones. I once reconstructed a nipple from an anal skin tag! Still haven't quite worked out how to give up my day job just yet.
In my spare time I am learning how to play jazz trumpet. You would be horrified at how useless I am at improvisation (musical version of anagramming). One day I hope to run a jazz club like Haruki Murakami did before he became a famous novelist.
Q Approximately how long do you spend on an anagram?
A Generally 1-2 hours so I can often complete two headlines in one evening, depending on how much tequila or red wine I have consumed. I sometimes rely on the power of the subconscious and go to sleep stuck on a problem only to have worked it out when I wake up.
Q Anything else you'd like to add?
A I find the anagram checker and advanced anagramming programs on invaluable. Can't do without my iPhone and mini iPad either. I am very grateful to you, Anu, for the opportunity and encouragement to be a 'gramsmith. As my brother Jason said recently, we both enjoy "shooting out the lights and trashing the bar at The Anagram Times saloon."
Selected anagrams from Julian Lofts:
Julian Lofts, MBChB FRACS is an Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon =
ReplyDeleteSnafu I'll Jot (sic) - NB: I operate busts, chests, face, chin..., construct anagram drivel!