Wordsmith.org : the magic of words

File A Dispatch

Send your original anagrams based on current news. If selected, it'll be published with your byline.
Some ideas for anagramming:
  • Names of people/organizations/places/things in news
  • The title of the news article
  • A quotation from the article
  • Your own brief summary of the news article
  • etc.
  • Anagram
    (multi-line anagrams are OK
    see examples)
    News title (optional)
    News link (optional)
    Your name
    Your email (address isn't published)
    comments or

    Tools you might find useful
    Internet Anagram Server
    Anagram Checker
    Tips on Finding Great Anagrams
    AA: Windows software (It's free; Recommended for long/medium anagrams)